Friday, August 27, 2021

Wonders of Living World (Part 3)

                                           Characteristics of Organisms


This increase in size, height or amount is called Growth.


Satisfying the food requirements of organisms is are called Nutrition.

Most green plants produce food within themselves. Hence, these plants are called autotrophic.

They use carbon dioxide from air, soil water and sun light to produce food. This process is called photosynthesis.

Animals can't produce their own food. They depend on plants directly or indirectly. Therefore, animals are considered as heterotrophic.

A cow eating grass

A lion eating an animal


Animals moving from one place to another place is called locomotion.

Several animals locomotion's






There are some animals that cannot move, but they show different movement. Sea Anemone, Coral Polyp living in oceans are such animals.

Sea Anemone  

Coral Polyp

Movement of plant 

There are some example of movements of  plant


When a plant is kept on a window still, after some days the stem of the plant bend towards the sunlight. This too is a movement of plant.

Plant bending towards sunlight


Oxygen in the air, once breathed in, reacts with the food stored in the body and produce energy. This process is called respiration.



A matured living being producing new members of the same species is known as reproduction.

Wonders of the Living World ( Part 2)

 Components  of the environment we can divided into two categorize. there are "Living things and Non-Living things"

Living things and Non Living things

 Depend on the growth we can identify Living things and Non Living things


             The increase in size, height or amount is called Growth.

Components with a growth are called Living things or Living organisms

The components without a growth are called Non-Living things

Growth of puppy Rottweiler to big Rottweiler

                  Living things 

Living things we can be divided into 3 groups there are 




Ex for plants:-

* Coconut   

* Jack

* Bamboo

* Papaya

Ex for animals:-

* Deer                       


* Fish 

* Parrot

* Butterfly

* Snail

Ex for micro-organisms:-

*  Amoeba                       


* Paramecium      

* Chlamydomonas




Thursday, August 26, 2021

Wonders of the Living World

 The environment is our surrounding including us. consist of land, water bodies, houses, plant, animals etc.

these are the pictures that different environment.

Urban environment

Rural environment

Forest environment

Seashore environment

Wonders of Living World (Part 3)

                                            Characteristics of Organisms Growth  This increase in size, height or amount is called Growth . ...